Thursday, August 26, 2010

Soda For Breakfast ! Don't Worry They Had A Variety to Choose From !

 This past weekend I stayed overnight at a university in the Inland Empire to spend time with some young adults as a mentor. I've worked with this camp for the last 9 years, excluding 2009. Well, to my absolute horror, the cafeteria at this particular university did not have juice available for the campers to drink with their breakfast. In fact, the cafeteria did not provide ANY type of juice whatsoever. Now, I was only there for a weekend, so maybe after I left, the chef offered the fifty teens and young adults a variety of juices. There's no EXCUSE not to have juice PERIOD. These kids drank soda for breakfast. Soda from a fountain. Some had water. I had to beg for a cup of coffee! I'm not going to name the university until the camp session is over.  And I'm going to contact one of the staff employees to see if this nutritional hazard was corrected. Stay tuned !

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